Friday, August 19, 2005

The Bookshelf

No reasons not to write lately, just didn't feel like it. Lets just leave it that way.

Let me list down some of the books I read in the last couple of months after finishing with Holger Kersten's "Jesus lived in India":

The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown: I believe the only reason for this novel (as it is said to be, in my opinion the book doesn't come anywhere near to one) to gain global acclaim is the exposure of the fact that Jesus Christ's was married to Lady Magdalene. Nice scoop to make your work a bestseller!

Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco: Too heavy a book for someone like me. The vast knowledge possessed by Eco and the extensive research work, combined with the capability of story-telling is what makes this novel a classic. I see myself reading it once again, more slowly and patiently, ten years down the line.

The Company Of Women - Khushwant Singh: Maybe I needed a light read, but I regret having chosen this book for it.

The Diary Of A Young Girl - Anne Frank: Nice read. Emotional. Makes me wonder why human beings are like the way they are.

Roots - Alex Haley: Makes me wonder more about human beings and why they at all came to exist. Product of an extensive research work by an African American to find his roots back to Africa more than two centuries back. What appealed to me is the honesty, simplicity and naturalness in the relationship between a black-skinned human being and another, just to be destroyed eventually, and without any good reason, by a white-skinned.

Presently reading Testaments Betrayed by Milan Kundera: Driving me to read better novels (real literary works in terms of art, which can be categorized to add to the history of a novel), and listen to more good music.


Comments on "The Bookshelf"


Blogger ninglun said ... (2:36 PM) : 

Good to see you back!


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